“Dos Estaciones” A Conversation with director Juan Pablo González and lead actor Teresa Sánchez

At the University of Texas at Austin's film program, I took an Intro to Editing class taught by a professor named Juan Pablo González. He was a genuine and supportive professor who had a deep well of filmmaking knowledge that he shared with patience and kindness. I learned a lot about storytelling and was exposed to approaches to filmmaking that I hadn't seen before. I left each class feeling inspired, and it ended up being one of my favorites during my time at UT.

Back in April I was browsing social media and saw that Juan Pablo was going to be in New York for some screenings of his most recent film, Dos Estaciones. I shot him a message to see if he'd be interested in meeting up to get some coffee and shoot some photos while he was in the city.

Turns out he was interested, so we started coordinating. In the days leading up to the shoot, the plan evolved from a photoshoot of just him to a photoshoot and interview with both him and Teresa Sánchez, the film’s lead actor. He invited me to attend the film's Friday evening screening at the New Directors/New Films Festival at Lincoln Center, and we recorded the interview and shot photos early the next day.

The movie was beautiful, it was awesome to reconnect with Juan Pablo and meet Teresa, and getting insights into their backgrounds and the development of the film was fascinating. Creating art with them was a lovely bonus. I’m so thankful for the experience.

Dos Estaciones is in select theaters now. I’d highly recommend that you go see it.

Manhattan, New York. April 2022.